Big Drew's Big Journey with Mercy Health

Hey guys, Big Drew here. 

You're probably used to hearing that during our show when I'm about to tell you about a product or something I'm into right? This time...this time it's a lot more personal. This time is different for a lot of reasons and I hope that you guys really are interested in what I have to say after I tell you who I am. This is a big risk for me and I am not gonna lie...I am more than a little scared. 

With the help of my friends at Mercy Health, I'm embarking on the journey to get bariatric surgery and I am opening up about it for all of you. As I diet and prep for the next 14 weeks, I'll be interviewing doctors about things that ALL guys can do to be healthier. Options so that you don't need bariatric surgery. But if you do? I wanna show you how to go about it. What to do and where to go. 

What led me here? I think I shared with all of you about my Dad's heart attack on my birthday this year. It shook me pretty hard, I won't lie. Thankfully, the old man is ok and back to calling the show and selling bubble wrap. But it got the wheels in me head turning. My Dad is not in the best health (hopefully he won't get mad at me for saying that) and I realized I needed to do something massive to effect change in my health. My Dad has seen me do so many cool things in his life, I know I wanna live long enough to see Isaac do some incredible things too. I wanna be able to do things like fly on a plane and not worry about fitting in the seats. I wanna go for walks and not get winded right away. I want to be doing a lot of these things and I think that this step with Mercy Health is the first step I need.

The place to start? Mercy Health. They had me take an online seminar and it INSTANTLY made me know that this was something I needed to talk to my doctor about. Check it out for yourself by clicking here

I'll be blogging along the way as we go and I want you guys to follow along with me. There will be updates on this page as well as a special YouTube channel where I'll be uploading videos of me learning how to cook healthy foods with Roommate Jon, going for walks with Isaac and videos with the people from Mercy Health who are helping me out along the way. 

Today starts the Getting Healthy 1200. I'll be taking my diet down to 1200 calories a day which is a big cut for me, I won't lie. It also means doing something I have never done before in my entire life - COUNTING CALORIES! So if you guys see me out at an appearance or just hanging out at Big E's, make sure I am eating HEALTHY! Thankfully, Big E's has great salads on the menu too AND I can still have beer. I just gotta have less beer. AND I can still have bourbon. Thank the Lord. 

This is just the beginning. Everything starts somewhere. Everything changes from here. Wish me luck! 

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