Big Drew and Jim recap the Lions getting thrashed by the Patriots at home in their preseason opener and discuss Riley Greene’s memorable debut last night with the West Michigan Whitecaps:
- How bad was last night’s Lions preseason opener? What was the worst thing that happened in the game?
- Jim doesn’t get the booing from last night. Do Lions fans have a right to boo?
- The latest example of the Lions being tone deaf when it comes to their recent preseason opener success.
- We actually had some good news last night! Riley Greene had himself quite the debut with the West Michigan Whitecaps.
- It’s Jeff Risdon vs. Jim Costa on the season outlook for the Lions. Also, Drew plays referee!
- What’s the appropriate level of disappointment from last night’s Lions drubbing?
- Is Jeff’s keen football eye telling us that we may have missed some positive things from last night’s Lions loss?
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